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Professional Internships 

June 2022- August 2022

KPRC Channel 2


As the Sports Intern for KPRC Channel 2, I gained valuable experience as a sports reporter, anchor, and producer in a fast-paced newsroom. With a hub of professional teams, college teams, and even high school teams, I was able to extensively practice my field coverage. I also produced, wrote, and edited packages. At the conclusion of the internship, I produced, reported in, and anchored my own sportscast.


January 2022- May 2022

Houston Public Media 

As a Newsroom Intern for Houston Public Media, I wrote cut and copies and spots for the daily newscasts. I pitched story ideas in the daily editorial meetings, and worked with reporters on stories. I set up and conducted interviews with city officials and organizational leaders for stories. I have also edited audio clips for newscasts. 

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October 2021- January 2022

Moffett Studios x ESPN

As a producer working on the National Air Hockey segment, I was heavily involved in the preproduction process to generate storyline ideas for the 22-minute program. After scripting the show, I collaborated with other producers in set design and camera operating for the three-day tournament. After the tournament wrapped up, the production crew worked two more days at Moffett Studios to film more interviews and detailed shots for the different blocks of the segment. The finished product aired three times on ESPN 2.

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